Coffee break - crucial to my existance while attending lab classes of 3 hours non-stop.. if i don't manage this break,i am sure to doze off and that to in various weird positions like:
1> dozing off with one hand on the keyboard as if typing something , other hand supporting sleeping head
2> one hand on the mouse, other as before
3> both hands supporting sleeping head
4> one hand on keyboard, other on mouse, sleepy head left unsupported may fall back on chair or fall forward on desk, worst case - fall on lab partner!
To attain these hard to earn coffee breaks, i need to plan everything in advance before taking the initial step of asking the concerned teacher permissiom of going out. factore to look for are:
1> Have i already asked the teacher a dozen times?
2> When was the last time i asked permission - one hour ago or one day ago?
3> Is my everyday 'bahana' of going to drink water fast becoming invalid?
4> What are the chances of getting caught while taking a sip?
5> Most important - mood of the teacher!!??
Today for eg., the concerned lab teacher was missing from the lab (i dunno for how long but i noticed this as soon as i got up from my nap). i took this golden opportunity and tried asking the teacher who had just come inside looking for some misplaced files. He was rudeness personified - i had crossed the teacher's desk to ask him and he went ballistic saying"go back! go back!" i felt like an untouchable.. but then i have become so used to this crap for the last 3 years that now it hardly matters like the old days. I got the permission nevertheless and went running to the coffee counter. Imagine my surprise when i saw the coffee selling dude fast asleep on the counter. I passed my five bucks at which he woke up with a start, smiled apologetically and gave me my cuppa. I told him to drink one cup too - with all the coffee around and dozing off like that - funny! With coffee in hand - read mission acomplished, i hurried to the e-quad block of our college where there are less teachers, more students. I saw 2 more of my lab-mates already there - drinking coffee. At the end of 5 mins,i hurried back wide awake to write this blog article all about my coffee break.
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