
Monday, March 26, 2007

the grudge

the scariest movie i had ever seen! the first time i had seen it, i could not live properly. everywhere i go i see ms. grudge and her blue skinned child. it was almost as if i had fallen in love and day in and day out am thinking of her. freaky!!! i had made myself a promise that no matter what, am not gonna see a scary movie ever again. who wants to destroy their peace of mind on purpose.. surely it has to be me.. cause within a month i had seen a series of ghost movies like ring, the omen, exorcist.. and yesterday i had crossed all limits. i watched grudge-2 and it has successfully made my life miserable again. i can't sleep. when i wake up, i wake up scared. i don't spend much time in the bathroom. i keep turning my head 360 degrees all the time. why do i keep on doing things i absolutely should not? only god knows!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

my first proper blog

Blogging is surely an exciting new world. When you don't have any means of divulging your creative side you look for means like writing diaries, designing cards, painting on the walls, re-arranging your desk from time to time, painting and repainting your nails (preferably girls), and what not! I found this exciting new avenue of quenching my creative thirst and so here i am finally. I solemnly declare hereby that
1. i will never be regular in posting
2. my posts are strictly my random thoughts and hence i reserve the right of dissuading anyone from copying from my articles and my poems
3. on the rare occasion that i use excerpts from other's material, i will make sure that i mention the author's name
4. i don't mean any harm to anybody so please don't take offense on anything offensive
Now i'll continue with the design aspect of my new blog. lets see if it'll be black or white for the background then...